"Dino-Light was the recipient of the prestigious Jim Henson Foundation Grant and the first feature-length...
"Dino-Light was the recipient of the prestigious Jim Henson Foundation Grant and the first feature-length...
"Aurora Theatre will be holding their annual Day of the Dead Festival.. Join us to...
"Gather your friends and family for an afternoon filled with festive excitement. Enjoy live music...
"Mark Your Calendars Now! Because you will not want to miss this event! Nov 2,...
"Join us as we learn about the popular Latin American holiday: Day of the Dead,...
"Experience Sports on the Big Screen at the Town Green Get ready to catch top...
Santa Arrives on Saturday at 5pmPictures Registrations Are Now Open! (NOV 3-DEC 24) You can...
"Get ready to celebrate Dia De Los Muertos Festival in style at Thrasher Park on...
"Children practice reading skills one-on-one with a reading buddy trained in Active Reading. Emergent readers...
"Time to slow down and fill up with your local creative community. Sip tasty lagers,...
"Are you not yet old enough to vote? Join us for a mock election to...
"Join us for our exciting program series exploring science with hands-on experiments! This month, we...
Learn how to make safe dog treats, pet-friendly turkey day dishes, and kitty food puzzles....
"Join other beginners for an introduction to embroidery! Supplies will be provided, while they last....
"Calling all middle school students! You’re invited to SOTA SPOTLIGHT NIGHT! We’re spotlighting our programs...
WHEN: Showtimes 1:50pm4:10pm6:30pm TICKETS: $8.00 (+ taxes/fees) LOCATION: It looks like this offer is only...
WHEN: The Wild Robot Matinee Showtimes: 12:40pm and 3:30pm TICKETS: $7:42 (+ taxes/fees) LOCATION: Movie...
WHEN: The Wild Robot Matinee Showtimes:11:05 AM1:45 PM4:15 PM6:45 PM9:10 PM TICKETS: $7:86 3 Gwinnett...
"Welcome to Native Exploration with Park Ranger, Naturalist, and Environmental Educator Jerry Hightower. We are...
"Come try some dinosaur themed activities with us! Celebrate Dino-vember with us! We will have...